Smashed it at Bootcamp

Sunday morning lie in? Not for me, I went to my first ever boot camp! Didn’t really know what to expect was a little apprehensive especially as it was quite hot and muggy! 

Arrived to join 8 other ladies all different shapes and sizes with varying fitness levels! The coach was fantastic we warmed up by doing some jogging & sprinting across the park which my sprint was more like a jog!

After that we had timed exercises at various stations including an enormous tractor tyre which we had to try and flip, a large tyre attached to a rope that we had to pull towards us across the park, two long ropes that we had to wave in the air while squatting, weights, and a weight bag that we had to press up in the air then run up and down a hill before repeating it! 

We also had sit ups, leg raisers, running and lots of other various exercises but I can’t remember the names! Basically you rotate from station to station! 

I know it sounds exhausting but I can honestly tell you I’m no fittie, yes I was bright red and dripping with sweat but I loved it!!!!

So much so that I’ve signed up again for Tuesday night! Followed by my second boxercise class on Wednesday.

I am determined to get fitter and healthier and this was so much fun I think I’ve found the way forward for me(It’s only taken me 43 years to find the right balance of exercise)!

Already looking forward to Tuesday evening!!!

Got to get fit!

I’ve had the worst year ever health wise! But now post surgery and feeling 100% better I need to kickstart my fitness regime! I’m 43 mum of 3 & overweight and I need to kickstart a new lifestyle!

Last Wednesday I attended my first ever boxercise class …..yes in the boiling heat that has encased the UK! Never having attended a class before I was very nervous about going, what to wear, thinking all the others would be ultra fit and stick thin, worried I wouldn’t be able to keep up with all the fitties…… But how wrong I was the class was full of people just like me and I had nothing to worry about at all! Dripping in the heat I felt so totally motivated. The couple that run the class were fantastic and really welcoming! They made me feel really welcome and now I can’t wait to go again next Wednesday! 

I’ve also signed up for boot camp tomorrow morning (thankfully the temperature has dropped considerably) so wish me luck !!!

My goals to lose 13 kg

Tone up

Get fit

Feel good about myself 

Have a healthy lifestyle 

Be confident on holiday in swimwear 

Not shy away from photographs being taken of me

Eat healthy 

My journey begins here!!!!! 

Diet Day 4:

Poorly child has been my priority today so after a visit to the doctors to determine he has a throat infection not tonsillitis and told to keep him home for a few days and hopefully it will get better after she point blank refused to prescribe antibiotics!! Then spent most of the day running up and down stairs with food and drink for him!! 

Puppy still can’t quite manage to widdle or poo on the paper I even resorted to buying some extortionately priced sort of magic spray from pets @ home to make them use the paper so far no change!! 

The diet is going well, I’m still determined to achieve the impossible!! so far I’ve lost 6lbs so I’m really pleased with the results so far my food diary is helping keep me on track and I’m logging all my food. Fingers crossed for a good weekend x 

Diet Day 2

Minus 2.5 degrees when I defrosted my car this morning for the school run!

Came home to puppy mayhem ripped up newspaper and widdles & poo all over the kitchen floor (luckily it’s tiled). 

A very positive day diet wise although all thoughts are revolving around my next meal!! I’m totally obsessed.

Breakfast: a bowl of porridge with a sprinkling of canderel & cup of green tea

Lunch: a bowl of carrot & parsnip soup

Snack: a banana & a tangerine 

Dinner: red & white cabbage with carrot chopped up mixed with a teaspoon of salad cream, beetroot, cucumber, a tomato and a small tin of tuna in brine

Overall feeling quite positive, was tempted to weigh myself but decided against it, I will maybe weigh in the morning? 

I have ordered a diet diary so hopefully this will help me with my cravings!

I’m hoping that as soon as I can take the puppy out we can go for some good long walks and get some exercise together.

Thanks for supporting me x

Diet Day 1:


Now I’m going on a diet I’m totally obsessing about what I’m going to eat and I’m even dreaming about food!

I’m actually excited that my new weighing scales are arriving today. I don’t think I’ve ever actually owned scales before maybe that’s where my problems stem from?

ok so my scales arrived and after taking half an hour to work out how to use them (which I still haven’t worked out my Bmi) I have deduced I need to loose at least 4 stone (preferably 5 stone)!!!

My challenge to myself is to loose a stone in the first month! I’m going to weigh myself weekly and adjust my eating if necessary!

As I want to loose weight quite rapidly  I have decided on a mainly soup diet.

Breakfast will be Porridge with skimmed milk

Lunch will either be salad & fruits or homemade soup

Dinner will be homemade soup every day except Saturday

(Saturday will be my sinful day where I will eat the same as my family & I will allow myself a little treat if I want one)!

I made two types of soup yesterday

carrot and parsnip (chucked veg in a large amount an added some cumin and coriander and covered it with vegetable stock).

Mixed vegetables broccoli,cauliflower carrot and some left over cooked swede all in a pan with stock and blended.

So my goal is to loose 4/5stone by 26th May as we are going on holiday with friends (3 couples of which 2 of the females are super fit and super thin) and I don’t want to be sitting on a bed chair by the pool looking like a beached whale!!

My other reasons are for my health, I’m 42 and a mum of 3 ages ranging between 10 & 16 years and I am married (most of the time happily) and I want my husband to be proud of having me as his wife! Don’t get me wrong my husband is amazing and has never passed comment on my weight and tells me he loves me as I am, but I want to feel good about myself and have more self esteem!

So hopefully I’ve not bored anyone yet & putting my best foot forward her goes the diets started today join me in my challenge and we will support each other! This is my first ever blog and I’m hoping it will help inspire me in my quest for a healthier slimmer me!!!